Discover How To Treat ADHD Without Resorting To Traditional Medications

If your child seems to experience problems when it comes to concentration and maintaining focus, if they are prone to daydreaming and seem to not listen even when spoken to directly, it could be because they have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.

But, you say, my child is not hyperactive, how can they have ADHD? Well, the truth of the matter is that a child can have ADHD and yet not be overly hyperactive or impulsive. There are three types of ADHD and each type has its own set of symptoms and behaviors. There is the Inattentive type ADHD, which is often rendered simply as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and there is Hyperactive/Impulsive ADHD. The third is the type that the majority of kids are diagnosed with and that is Combined type adhd test.

If your child falls into this category it means they have the symptoms of both the previously mentioned sub-types. But you can learn how to treat ADHD without using the medications that you have probably heard all about and are reluctant to let your child take.

Most of us have heard about the controversy surrounding traditional ADHD medications such as:

* Ritalin (stimulant)

* Adderall (stimulant)

* Vivanse (stimulant)

* Strattera (non-stimulant)

All of these and the other ADHD medications that are prescribed pose a risk with regards to side effects. Ritalin is by far the most commonly prescribed of the medications and this is due in large part to the fact that it can be very beneficial…for some children. Some kids will take Ritalin, and other ADHD medications, and show little or no improvements when it comes to managing their symptoms. For parents and family the promise of a calmer, more peaceful child in their midst is often the deciding factor when it comes to choosing the treatment.

While this is indeed understandable, parents are cautioned to consider alternative treatments before resorting to ADHD drugs like those mentioned above. Of course, the majority of doctors continue to remain loyal to the myopic view that these drugs are the best option when treating ADHD, however they are not always correct.

When it comes to knowing how to treat ADHD it is imperative that parents research the alternative treatment methods, whether this be in the form of behavioral therapy, biofeedback therapy, homeopathic remedies, the ADHD diet, etc. prior to agreeing to let their child be medicated with strong, schedule II, psycho-stimulant drugs.

It must be pointed out that the possible risk of side effects, or inefficacy, is not the only reasons why parents should consider other treatment options. There are many different treatment options available today, providing choices as well as relief for literally thousands of ADHD children and their families around the world. Homeopathic remedies, for example, have produced very positive and long-lasting results for countless people living with this disorder, whether child, teen, or adult. A homeopathic remedy is designed to relive hyperactive behavior, distractibility, impulsivity, and inattention. They are not addictive like their prescription medication counterparts, and they are made for the best 100% natural ingredients to provide real relief.


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